MPF Files & Modules

The MPF packages contains the following folders:

  • /build_scripts: Scripts which can be used to locally build & test MPF packages and wheels
  • /docs: The Sphinx-based developer docs that you're reading now
  • /mpf: The actual mpf package that's copied to your machine when MPF is installed
  • /tools: A few random tools

The MPF package

The MPF package (e.g. the /mpf subfolder which is copied to your install location when you install MPF) contains the following folders:

  • /assets: Contains the asset classes used in MPF (the "shows" asset class)
  • /commands: Modules for the command-line interface for MPF
  • /config_players: Modules for the built-in config_players
  • /core: Core MPF system modules
  • /devices: Device modules
  • /exceptions: MPF exception classes
  • /file_interfaces: MPF file interfaces (current just YAML, could support more in the future)
  • /migrator: MPF Migrator files
  • /modes: Code for built-in modes (game, attract, tilt, credits, etc.)
  • /platforms: Hardware platform modules
  • /plugins: Built-in MPF plugins
  • /tests: MPF unit tests

It also includes the following files in the package root:

  • Makes the MPF folder a package
  • Allows the MPF commands to run
  • Contains version strings used throughout MPF for the current version
  • mpfconfig.yaml: The "base" machine config file that is used for all machines (unless this is specifically overridden via the command-line options.