
This documentation is for an unreleased version of MPF!

This is the developer documentation for MPF 0.54, which is the “dev” (next) release of MPF that is a work-in-progress. Use the “Read the Docs” link in the lower left corner to view the developer docs for the version of MPF you’re using.


class mpf.devices.servo.Servo(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mpf.core.system_wide_device.SystemWideDevice

Represents a servo in a pinball machine.

Args: Same as the Device parent class.

Accessing servos in code

The device collection which contains the servos in your machine is available via self.machine.servos. For example, to access one called “foo”, you would use self.machine.servos.foo. You can also access servos in dictionary form, e.g. self.machine.servos['foo'].

You can also get devices by tag or hardware number. See the DeviceCollection documentation for details.

Methods & Attributes

Servos have the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from base classes are not included here.


Event handler for reset event.

format_log_line(msg, context, error_no) → str

Return a formatted log line with log link and context.


Get the value of a placeholder.


Move servo to position.

raise_config_error(msg, error_no, *, context=None) → NoReturn

Raise a ConfigFileError exception.


Go to reset position.


Set acceleration parameter.


Set speed parameter.

subscribe_attribute(item, machine)

Subscribe to an attribute.